Driving Safety Study Reveals Risky Drivers do more than use Cell Phones
Those who said they didn’t use their cell phones at all or hardly at all were much less likely to speed and drive while drowsy. The study also showed that participants thought distracted driving was a bigger problem than it was three years ago. Unfortunately many of those same participants admitted in the survey to occasionally driving while distracted.
The distracted driver who texted 11 times before causing the deaths of two people and injuries to 38 other on Interstate 44 in 2010 was also mentioned. Texting, emailing, talking on the phone and other distractions are known to have caused many injuries on our roadways.
If you or a loved one have suffered injuries due to a distracted or negligent driver’s actions you should seek punitive damages. Visit our website today and arrange a meeting with one of our St. Louis auto accident attorneys to discuss your case in detail and find out how to pursue your claim.