Heart Surgery Led to Brain Damage and Medical Malpractice
One man was recently awarded $13 million dollars following a botched surgical procedure that took place in 2010. The medical malpractice case took several years to unfold, but once it did, the victim of the case received compensation for what amounted to the loss of his life.
The victim in this case was a twenty-one-year-old man who underwent a heart valve replacement surgery. During the procedure, air bubbles made their way into the man’s arteries. They traveled to his brain and as a result, he suffered from significant brain damage.
The prosecution in this case argued that the doctor who performed the surgery was not competent to do so. There was further argument that the hospital where the procedure was performed failed to provide capable surgeons for their patients. The settlement was known to be the largest one of its kind in state history.
When you place your life in the hands of a surgeon, you naturally assume that you will be well taken care of. While there may be risks to surgical procedures – as there surely was for this one – generally, brain damage is not on the list. As your St. Louis medical malpractice attorney, our goal is to protect the citizens of our city.
If you’ve been injured because of what you believe to be medical malpractice, we want to hear about your case. Contact your St. Louis medical malpractice attorney for advice.