Injuries From a Failed Medical Procedure Prompt a Lawsuit in St. Louis
In this day and age, technology has allowed medical professionals to improve the quality of life for patients all over the country. However, there are cases when their procedures fail, and when this occurs, sometimes patients are well within their right to file a lawsuit.
One such case recently occurred in St. Louis. A man filed a lawsuit because he believed that his doctors failed to provide him with proper medical care, and in the process, they also caused severe damage to his neck. The lawsuit is against Heartland Regional Medical Center, as well as against four different doctors that treated him there.
The procedure was for an Internal Jugular central line, and the patient claims he was severely injured because of repeated attempts that were made to place it. This is a delicate procedure because it involves placing a line in the IJ vein, which is often used to place pacemakers, or to treat patients who have blood clotting conditions.
The article does not indicate how many attempts were made; only that serious injuries resulted from many failed attempts.
Perhaps you’ve suffered from a botched medical procedure that was supposed to improve your quality of life. You may not realize that you can get legal help to obtain compensation for your injuries. Contacting a St. Louis medical malpractice attorney is the right thing to do. A St. Louis medical malpractice attorney can help you.