New Worries for the FDA
A recent article in the New York Times looks at the effects of Endocrine Disruptors. These chemicals can be found everywhere including thermal receipts from ATMs and gasoline self-service pumps. They are found in canned food, cosmetics and food packaging.
There are not many direct links to serious side effects as of yet but there are some observations that scientists believe are caused by these substances. There is concern that effects may not show up for decades and the article supplies a precedent. The chemical DES was given to women to combat morning sickness for years and was later seen as a cause of breast and vaginal cancer in the daughters of some of these women.
There is no word that the FDA is making any moves to ban these substances. The organization has been called out in the past though for allowing the use of drugs out that later have been the basis for personal injury lawsuits. Our St. Louis personal injury attorneys have represented many people who have been wrongly injured in medical malpractice and defective drug cases.
Our website has a list of harmful drugs that the FDA has since taken from the market or have been known to cause serious side effects. Anyone who has taken these or other harmful drugs should contact our experts immediately to find out the best course of action for their situation.