Settlement Lost After Fitness App Use Disproves Injury
The world has never been more connected than it is right now. In many cases, that connectedness is good. It helps people stay in touch with the people they love, or haven’t seen in a long time. In other cases, the Internet and various apps can actually do a lot of harm. For example, take the case of a woman who lost settlement money because of her online activity.
When Social Media Isn’t a Good Idea After a Personal Injury Case
The woman had actually won a settlement against her insurance company because of whiplash in 2008. Apparently, she was very into physical fitness and she was using an app called Endomondo to share her progress with others.
Once her insurance company found out that she was actually able to work, they cut her payments. To make matters worse, they used the information they found to build a fraud case against her.
Questions to Ask Your St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer
It’s important for you to have an honest conversation with your attorney about your social media activity if you’ve been injured. You need to know what exactly could harm your case. It’s the job of your St. Louis personal injury lawyer to advise you so that you remain protected.
If you’ve been injured in an of accident, you can trust your St. Louis personal injury lawyer to protect you. Contact us to learn more.