When Should You Sue After a Dog Bite Injury?
Every year, there are a lot of dog bite cases in St. Louis. If you have recently been bitten by a dog, and this is the first time it’s ever happened to you, you may be confused about how you should proceed. We’d like to help by clarifying the situation for you.
When is the Right Time to File Your Case?
As always, your most important concern should be your health and well-being. Before talking to an attorney, you need to get medical help. This may mean going to a local emergency room or urgent care clinic to get treatment.
After you have spoken with a doctor, it’s a good time to talk with a St. Louis dog bite attorney. You will have a better understanding of the damage that was done and what types of treatment your injuries will require.
Your Compensation for Damages
You may be able to get compensation for different types of damages. These include:
– Any past, present or future medical bills.
– Any damage done to clothing, glasses or other personal belongings as a result of the attack.
– Lost wages because you had to miss work.
– Emotional distress.
A dog bite is very serious. Please don’t put off talking with a St. Louis dog bite attorney. An experienced lawyer will know the right way to handle your case, and may even be able to get you a higher amount for compensation.