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Posted on September 22, 2015 by

Know and Avoid these Common Medical Malpractice Issues

You’re no doubt familiar with the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and that couldn’t be more true than with regard to medical malpractice. To keep you safe, the St. Louis Malpractice Attorney professionals at Hoffman & Gelfman want to keep you in the know.

Circumvent these common medical malpractice issues with awareness:

Surgical errors

The single most common type of claim filed, surgical errors make the difference between a full recovery and a life mired with medical difficulty. Common errors include:

  • Wrong site surgery
  • Wrong patient surgery
  • Unsanitary instruments
  • Damage to organs and tissue
  • Nerve damage

Prescription drug errors

Improper and incorrect prescriptions result in more than anticipated side effects, injuring 1.3 million patients annually. Constantly question doctors and pharmacists to avoid common prescription errors:

  • Improper dosage
  • Incorrect medication or confusing medicines
  • Drug interactions
  • Wrong route of administration (oral versus sublingual or suppository)


Common when cancer is missed or serious chronic conditions are misdiagnosed as less serious, standard of care plays an important role in misdiagnosis cases. When selecting a doctor, opt for one with appropriate training to your perceived needs.

Failure to treat

Overworked, understaffed healthcare facilities that rush patients through can easily result in the worsening of conditions. All individuals are deserving of thorough medical attention.

If you’ve suffered medical malpractice, you need a St. Louis Malpractice Attorney who’s on your side. Contact Hoffman & Gelfman today.