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Posted on May 30, 2017 by

Fatal Accidents Upend Families

Accidents on our roads are common, and fender benders happen all the time. But when a fatal accident happens, not only is there pain and sorrow involved, but it can upend an entire family.

Emotions are Just the Beginning

Certainly, emotions are a huge part every time a loved one dies in a fatal accident. A parent that is killed can leave the same type of emotional hole as a child, a sister or a brother that has passed away in a car accident. It’s a terrible thing to experience.

After the grieving ends, the healing begins, and with healing comes the financial questions. Should legal action be pursued? Do you have a case?

Your St. Louis Car Accident Attorney can help with these financial responsibilities, and the healing that comes from a successful verdict and settlement for your case.

Hoffman & Gelfman have a winning track record that has won in excess of $300 million dollars for our clients. As a St. Louis car accident attorney, we will do more than just litigate; we will protect your legal rights while aggressively pursuing your claim. You deserve the best possible financial results for you and your loved ones. When a fatal accident upends your family, let Hoffman and Gelfman help with a free consultation, and let the healing begin.