Leaving the Scene of an Accident – What Could Happen?
Most of us will be involved in a hit and run accident at some point in our lives. However, it doesn’t relieve any stress just because you know they’re fairly common. If you are involved in a hit and run, and you’re the victim, you may be curious about what can happen if the person who hit you is caught.
St. Louis Hit and Run Crashes Without Injuries
If you’re in a hit and run, but you’re not injured, the person who hit you is guilty of a misdemeanor. If caught, there could be fines assessed of up to $1,000. The person may also be sentenced to jail time for as long as a year.
A Hit and Run With Injuries
As you might imagine, if you’re injured in a hit and run, the penalty is much worse. This type of accident is a felony, and the fines could be as much as $10,000. The person could also be sentenced to prison time. If the accident resulted in someone’s death, this is even more serious.
As your St. Louis personal injury lawyer, we may be able to help you. Even if you aren’t sure who hit you, there may be a way to find the person. You just need the right legal help on your side.
Talk with a St. Louis personal injury lawyer to learn more about what can be done for your case.