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Posted on June 16, 2015 by

Workplace Accident Fatally Injures Construction Worker

Every day, millions of people go to work and come home routinely with no incidents or accidents ever happening. We believe that work is safe and we don’t worry about anything happening to us that will bring us harm or even death. But every year, people do get injured at work, sometimes resulting in death. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 4,585 fatal work injuries in 2013.

A story on tells about a construction worker who was part of a crew repaving Stadium Drive at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville very recently. According to the article, the crew was compacting gravel for the road when a compacting machine hit the worker in the head, throwing him into a ditch. The man died as a result of the injuries from this horrible and tragic accident.

Much of what you hear about workers compensation cases may involve people who have had an injury on the job, such as a fall, a transportation accident, overexertion or carpal tunnel syndrome. However, the Missouri’s Worker’s Compensation Act allows qualifying survivors of an employee killed on the job to receive weekly benefits, as well as employees who file claims for injuries that arise while performing work duties.

If you or someone you know has been injured or died while performing work duties, call your St. Louis workplace injury attorneys today. We want to help you!