Category: Personal Injury
A High Ridge woman has died after a boating accident at Lake of the Ozarks. An adult male and a female child in the same boat have serious injuries, while two other adults in the boat have minor injuries. This was a preventable accident, made worse by the presence of alcohol, that had a horrific outcome. The […]
Written by on September 9, 2020
A half a century is a long time for anything to last these days, but the attorneys at Hoffman and Gelfman have met that hurdle head-on and are sprinting away on the other side. Among their many accolades is a penchant for personal care for each of their clients. Whether the case they are tackling […]
Written by mccordweb on May 12, 2020
There's a good chance you have bought something on Amazon in the past month and it may be counterfeit. With Amazon cornering almost 40% of the e-commerce market it's almost guaranteed that they will sell us a product. When using Amazon do you pay attention to whether the item is from a third-party seller or […]
Written by mccordweb on March 24, 2020
All across the country people are debating vaping. Where is the line for personal rights? Do e-cigarettes provide a healthier alternative to traditional tobacco products? Do the limited health problems constitute a viable reason to totally eliminate their sales? There are major debates on the governmental floors of multiple states St. Louis Park, Minnesota voted […]
Written by mccordweb on March 19, 2020
Traffic accidents can happen to anyone. Often we think that police officers do not fall into that category, but that was not the case early in February. Two police officers suffered a traffic accident when a driver ran a red light and collided with their car in an intersection. Specific details of the accident were […]
Written by mccordweb on March 3, 2020
We’re more aware of football-related injuries now than we have ever been before; especially when it comes to brain injuries. Research has shown that concussions on the football field have been linked to ongoing, long-term brain deterioration. It should come as no surprise that a lot of parents are electing to keep their children away […]
Written by vuria on February 27, 2020
Playgrounds are a part of everyday activities if you have children in your life. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, or guardian we strive to give our children the chance to be active and have fun. What else do we face as a result of an active lifestyle? Injuries. Oftentimes an injury, such as skinned […]
Written by vuria on February 18, 2020
Video games are ingrained in our society. Whether it’s a console, pc, or mobile app games are everywhere. Interestingly, what once seemed a pastime for children has now become prevalent in many age groups. Whether escapism, online community bonding, or just a pastime, games touch on almost everyone’s life. Video Games – The New Cocaine? […]
Written by vuria on February 13, 2020
Your employer has a legal obligation to make sure your work environment is safe. Sometimes accidents happen that lead to injuries, but those accidents might be due to negligence on the part of your employer. Either way, it’s important for you to know your rights if you’re the one who has been hurt. Protecting Your […]
Written by vuria on January 21, 2020
Getting injured on the job is something that impacts a countless number of families in Missouri every single year. While some people pursue legal action, many are completely unaware of what rights they have in these types of situations. We want to help clarify things if you or someone you love needs to pursue a […]
Written by vuria on January 16, 2020