Category: Workers Compensation
While the coronavirus outbreak is demanding sacrifices from everyone, first responders face a greater level of risk. Our St. Louis workers comp attorneys explain why a recent change in state regulations will help protect these selfless people who toil on the front lines. Preserving Workers Comp Rights for First Responders By nature of their job, […]
Written by mccordweb on May 21, 2020
Thousands of workers' comp cases are filed every year because of injuries that workers experience on the job. But there is one area that is largely ignored, and that is the area of mental health. The system is so focused on getting people better so they can return to work that it is overlooking this […]
Written by mccordweb on May 5, 2020
Most people assume that if they get hurt on the job, they'll file a workers' comp claim and get paid while they heal at home. That hasn't been the case for 44,000 postal service employees. These individuals have reported that they have been injured while they were working and as a result, USPS let them […]
Written by mccordweb on April 30, 2020
If you are employed in the healthcare field, or as a first responder, then you know you are at risk for contracting the Coronavirus. You may have assumed that if you did end up testing positive, you would simply be at home and out of a job; at least temporarily. But the reality is that […]
Written by mccordweb on April 28, 2020
News about the Coronavirus is virtually everywhere. It has caused businesses to shut down and it has basically changed the structure of our culture overnight. Many employees are now being confronted with the possibility of having countless workers' comp claims on their hands as a result of their employees getting exposed or testing positive. Is […]
Written by mccordweb on April 21, 2020
There have been a lot of questions being asked about workers’ compensation in light of the Coronavirus, and rightly so. Thre are many people who put themselves in harm’s way every single day. They deserve to know what to expect if they get exposed to the virus, or if they end up testing positive. We’d […]
Written by mccordweb on April 14, 2020
Missouri Protecting the People Who Are Protecting Us To all our first responders we want to thank you for all you do to keep us safe. We hope you and your own families are well and staying safe. In the unfortunate situation where a first responder contracts COVID-19, Missouri has begun the process to make […]
Written by on April 9, 2020
COVID-19 is a health issue that no one ever saw coming. To date, there have been hundreds of thousands of cases reported, as well as thousands of deaths. But what recourse do employees have who could have possibly contracted the virus at their workplaces? Are they eligible for workers' compensation? That's the question they need […]
Written by mccordweb on April 8, 2020
Over the years the US economy has evolved. Our jobs have shifted from industry to service orientation. The result of this shift has been an overall drop in on-the-job deaths. This is not a universal truth. Despite the prevalence of white-collar jobs there are still industries in the United States that have inherent dangers. The […]
Written by mccordweb on March 31, 2020
Your employer has a legal obligation to make sure your work environment is safe. Sometimes accidents happen that lead to injuries, but those accidents might be due to negligence on the part of your employer. Either way, it’s important for you to know your rights if you’re the one who has been hurt. Protecting Your […]
Written by vuria on January 21, 2020