Tag: Personal Injury Lawsuits
There are several types of legal cases that are considered to be personal injury cases. Maybe you were recently the victim of an accident, and while you thought about talking to a lawyer, you weren't sure who to call. This information will help guide you in the right direction. Types of Personal Injury Cases All […]
Written by vuria on August 15, 2019
A lot of people assume that negligence that results in some type of injury is the only way someone can have a valid personal injury claim. According to the American Bar Association, that is not always the case. If you have recently been injured in an accident, it’s important for you to understand what they […]
Written by vuria on February 7, 2019
Personal injury law is a very specialized type of litigation. If you have never been in an accident up until recently, it can be difficult to understand how it all works. The American Bar Association offers some great information that may be helpful to you. What are Personal Injury Claims? Every legal claim has two […]
Written by vuria on February 5, 2019
If you believe you have a personal injury case in Missouri, it’s very important to act quickly when it comes to filing a lawsuit. Putting it off means that the statute of limitations may run out, and that means you might not be able to file at all. Regardless of what type of case you […]
Written by vuria on December 20, 2018
Accidents happen at Missouri schools all the time. Sometimes they truly are accidents, and sometimes they are the result of negligence on the part of the school district. One young woman is finally getting the compensation that is owed to her after suffering severe injuries in 2010. Student Injured During School Event The student was […]
Written by vuria on November 29, 2018
It is very important to know the statute of limitations if you are injured in any type of accident. This is the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit after the injury occurred. In Missouri, that time limit has been five years for a long time, but some new legislation may be changing […]
Written by vuria on November 27, 2018