Category: News

Dump Truck Stolen and Crashed in St. Louis

There are many different types of truck accidents that take place in St. Louis. However, one recent accident was quite unique. According to an article on the Belleville News-Democrat website, a dump truck was stolen from a local asphalt and landscaping business. The thief managed to get into the truck and drive it through a […]

Written by on April 11, 2017

Tractor Trailer Strikes Two State Police Cars in St. Louis County

Many drivers become nervous when they encounter tractor trailers on the road, and for good reason. These vehicles can be unpredictable, and they frequently cause accidents. According to the Fox2News website, one recent accident involved two state police patrol vehicles in St. Louis County. The crash took place on a Sunday morning on Interstate 270 […]

Written by on April 6, 2017

17-Year-Old Dies in Head-On Collision in St. Louis County

Head-on collisions are becoming much too frequent in the St. Louis area. A recent head-on crash occurred just outside St. Louis, and it took the life of a seventeen-year-old named Darion, according to an article on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website. The young man driving the car was the victim’s cousin and close friend. The […]

Written by on April 4, 2017

Man Charged After Killing a Pedestrian in St. Louis

Drag racing is something that still takes place in St. Louis, and when it does it can end rather badly for those involved. According to an article on the KMOV website, one man was recently drag racing another driver when he struck a pedestrian. The incident occurred at about 11:30 am, and the suspect in […]

Written by on March 30, 2017

Wrong-Way Driver Causes Accident Just Outside St. Louis

Accidents can happen at any time, as they frequently do in St. Louis. However, most of the time when crashes occur, they don’t involve people driving the wrong way on major roadways. According to a recent Fox2Now article, this type of wreck happened on I-64 near Spirit of St. Louis Blvd. The accident took place […]

Written by on March 28, 2017

FDA Issues Warning to Pfizer Regarding Contaminated Medications

When you go to the pharmacy to pick up a medication that has been prescribed for you, you generally think nothing of it. You trust that the medicine is going to be clean and free of any kind of contaminants. However, that’s not always the case. Recently, Pfizer, which is one of the largest prescription […]

Written by on March 23, 2017

Heart Surgery Led to Brain Damage and Medical Malpractice

One man was recently awarded $13 million dollars following a botched surgical procedure that took place in 2010. The medical malpractice case took several years to unfold, but once it did, the victim of the case received compensation for what amounted to the loss of his life. The victim in this case was a twenty-one-year-old […]

Written by on March 21, 2017

Dog at Animal Shelter Bites Man in the Face

When you’re interested in adopting a pet, you’re always encouraged to visit an animal shelter and find a dog or a cat to rescue. Many people find their new best friends this way, and there’s no doubt that the work that’s done in animal shelters is important. However, sometimes incidents do occur, and in this […]

Written by on March 16, 2017

Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse May Be Widespread in St. Louis

For the family who is faced with the decision to place a loved one into a nursing home, there’s no denying that it’s a hard choice to make. They do so with the utmost trust in the facility that they’ve chosen, but a recent article on the CNN website is enough to cause many to […]

Written by on March 14, 2017

Semi-Truck Accident Injures Missouri Driver

Tractor trailers are driven by professional drivers who are taught about how to avoid crashes that could potentially harm themselves or others, and damage their equipment. Unfortunately, even the smallest incident can lead to a semi-truck accident, and in St. Louis, this happens all too frequently. According to an article on the Herald Tribune website, […]

Written by on March 9, 2017