Category: News

What is Breach of Duty in a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

People file hundreds of medical malpractice cases in Missouri every year. But not all of them are valid, and one of the reasons for that is because there was a failure to prove breach of duty. If you're considering filing a medical malpractice case, we want to make sure that you're informed about what breach […]

Written by on July 30, 2019

Think You Have a Lawsuit? What to Evaluate First

If you have suffered from an injury, you may or may not have a personal injury case. That is something that a lawyer can help you decide, but there are few things you'll want to determine first.  Do You Have Enough Evidence? You will need to prove fault if you decide to move forward with […]

Written by on July 25, 2019

Do You Have a Good Offer to Settle? Important Considerations

Let's say you've filed a personal injury lawsuit against another person or business. There are basically two different types of outcomes that you can expect. Your case will either settle out of court, or it will go to trial. More often than not, personal injury cases do end up settling. But how do you know […]

Written by on July 23, 2019

What Are the Stats on Out of Court Settlement for a Personal Injury Case?

A lot of people don't file personal injury lawsuits because they're afraid they will need to go to trial. But we want you to know that this is not necessarily the case. A lot of these lawsuits are settled out of court because it's in the best interests of both parties to do so. Let's […]

Written by on July 18, 2019

Important Things to Know Before Filing a Personal Injury Claim or Lawsuit

If you believe you have a case for a personal injury lawsuit, then of course you will want to talk with a lawyer about your options. But before you take that first step, we felt it was important for you to know a few things. We'd like to share them with you here today.  Personal […]

Written by on July 16, 2019

How to Know if Your Case May or May Not Be Medical Malpractice

If you think you might have a valid medical malpractice case, it's so important to talk with a lawyer who can guide you. Sadly, a lot of people think they have medical malpractice lawsuits, but they really don't. We'd like to help you determine the best way to tell.  Cases That are Not Medical Malpractice […]

Written by on July 11, 2019

What to Ask a Personal Injury Attorney At the Initial Appointment

If you've never been the victim in a personal injury case before, meeting with a lawyer for the first time can seem a little daunting. We'd like to put you at ease. There's no need for you to be nervous at all, but there are some questions that you will want to be sure to […]

Written by on July 9, 2019

How Is A Personal Injury Attorney Compensated for Taking My Case?

There are so many personal injury cases in the St. Louis area that are never filed. The number one reason for that is because people don't think they can afford a lawyer. They assume that any compensation they would receive would only go toward the attorney's fees. We want you to know that is not […]

Written by on July 4, 2019

Personal Injury Law vs. Workers’ Compensation Law: The Finding of Fault

People often fail to recognize the difference between workers' compensation cases and personal injury cases. They are not the same at all, and the reason is that one requires proof of fault and the other does not. Let's take a moment and dig into this a little more deeply.  Personal Injury Law When a person files […]

Written by on July 2, 2019

Learn More About Medical Liability Before You Consider a Lawsuit

When you've been injured in a medical malpractice case, your first thought may be to talk with an attorney and file a lawsuit. While that might be exactly what you need to do, there is so much you should know about medical liability before you proceed. What is Medical Liability? Medical liability means that the […]

Written by on June 27, 2019