Category: Dog Bite

Dog Bites Twins at a Daycare

As a parent, when you have to put your kids in a daycare facility so you can go to work, you’re always careful to choose a good provider that you can trust. You don’t expect anything bad to happen while you’re at work, and you trust the caregivers that your children are going to be […]

Written by on February 28, 2017

Stray Dog Attacks Woman and Officer: This Could Happen in St. Louis

If you’re like most people, when you see a stray dog, your heart goes out to it. You want to help it any way that you can. Unfortunately, sometimes your best intentions can end with disastrous consequences. One woman recently learned this the hard way. She had seen some stray dogs and decided to feed […]

Written by on January 24, 2017

Pitbull Shot By Police After Vicious Attack

Dog bite attacks are all over the news, and one recent dog attack resulted in the mauling of one thirty-three-year-old woman. The incident occurred at about 1 o’clock in the morning, when the woman was attacked by a pitbull. The woman sustained serious injuries from multiple dog bites all over her body. Residents of the […]

Written by on December 20, 2016

Four-Year-Old Girl Dies After Dog Attack

Dog bites should always be taken seriously, and it must be stated that dogs can attack at any given moment without being provoked. This was certainly the case when a four-year-old girl recently died after being mauled by a dog in her own home. According to the article by an NBC affiliate website, the family […]

Written by on November 3, 2016

Dog Bites Four People, Owner Cited for Violating Leash Laws

When you think of dog bites, you usually think of the breeds that are most likely to bite – dobermans, pit bulls, etc. However, any dog has the capability to strike out at anyone at any time, and there are reasons why St. Louis has such strong leash laws to protect the people who live […]

Written by on October 25, 2016

Woman Arrested After Her Dog Bites Twice in One Month

There are some dogs that are just more dangerous than others, and certain breeds have the potential to attack when they are not under control of their owners. According to a recent news article, one woman was recently arrested after her dog attacked two different people in the same month, . The dog, which was […]

Written by on September 13, 2016

Dogs Get Loose and Bite Multiple People: It Could Happen in St. Louis

Most of the time, when dogs get loose, they run through a neighborhood until a friendly neighbor catches them and contacts the owner so that they’re returned. That was not what happened in this case, according to a recent news article. The three dogs were a German shepherd mix and two Shar-pei’s, which are not […]

Written by on August 11, 2016

It Could Happen in St. Louis: Woman Bitten By Unleashed Dog

Unleashed dogs are always a hazard, regardless of what type of dog it is. According to an article from a news station in North Carolina, when one encounters unleashed dogs the outcome can sometimes become dangerous. The article states that the incident occurred on the track at a local middle school, where the woman was […]

Written by on July 19, 2016

Dog Bites are a Big Problem for Mail Carriers and Others

You’ve undoubtedly heard the old adage that says that dogs will often try to attack mail carriers, and while you might think that’s a harmless old wives’ tale, a recent survey shows that it is, in fact true. According to an article in the Kansas City Star, almost seven thousand mail carriers suffered from dog […]

Written by on June 16, 2016

Two-Year-Old Bitten by Dog and Hospitalized Near St. Louis

When a dog bites an adult, the injuries are rarely severe. However, when a two-year-old is involved, that’s a different story. A recent article on the Herald-Whig website discusses a recent incident involving a little girl being bitten by a dog at a Palmyra hotel, near St. Louis. The owner of the dog was a […]

Written by on May 17, 2016