Category: Product Liability
When you pick up your medication at the pharmacy, you have every right to assume that it’s safe. After all, the FDA has very high standards for approving medication, don’t they? The same is true for the food you buy at the grocery store. If it’s on the shelf, it should be safe for it […]
Written by vuria on October 26, 2017
High blood pressure is a serious problem in the United States. Many people suffer from this condition, and for them, finding a drug that can help is, indeed, a life-saver. Benicar is a drug that was introduced as a way to lower blood pressure, but since its introduction into the medical community, some patients have […]
Written by vuria on January 31, 2017
Digestive problems are one of the main reasons people go to the doctor, and when they go, they expect to be given a medication that will help them. Among all of the different digestive issues that patients complain of, constipation has to be among the most common. It would make sense that there would be […]
Written by vuria on August 9, 2016
Not all items on the market are inherently safe, and St. Louis Personal Injury Attorneys Hoffman & Gelfman want you to be in-the-know about these dangerous products. The latest? Toxic synthetic marijuana sold in the Farmington area. Community warning Farmington Police Chief Rick Baker is warning the community about a bad batch of K2 called […]
Written by vuria on November 24, 2015
Many of us make ground beef a regular part of our diet for many reasons from taste to health benefits, with a high amount of protein and iron. We eat it as burgers, in casseroles or as meatloaf. Whatever way you eat your ground beef, you generally don’t think about the possibilities of disease in […]
Written by vuria on November 17, 2015
If you have to call an ambulance, it is generally because of an emergent situation, one in which you leave your life in the hands of the responding paramedics. They are trained in what to do and what kind of medicines to give in the short time between the call and arriving to the hospital. […]
Written by vuria on November 5, 2015
In our society today, there is a growing trend toward healthy eating. Vegetables have become the norm in many households, with keywords like fresh, organic and natural. When you buy your fresh vegetables, you may not even think about them making you sick. This is what has happened with fresh cucumbers affecting over four hundred […]
Written by vuria on October 1, 2015
We are in a time when we’re trying to be healthier. More of us are reading labels and we trust that companies are being truthful with what is on the label of the foods we buy. A story on CNN questions the food labels we use, reporting that some of the information included on them may be […]
Written by vuria on July 14, 2015
It’s common knowledge that elevators require operating certificates, and regular inspections are also required by law. However, one Missouri building failed to obtain an operating certificate for an elevator, and the result was tragic. St. Louis music legend, Bob Reuter was killed when he fell eighteen feet down an elevator shaft after opening the manual […]
Written by vuria on December 9, 2014
Getting a tattoo might be a rite of passage, but the FDA has issued a warning against various types of ink that are commonly used in tattoo parlors and do-it-yourself tattoo kits. According to an article on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website, many tattoo kits have been recalled because of bacteria that has been found […]
Written by vuria on September 4, 2014