Category: News

Dog Bite Claims Increase, with Children the Most Frequent Victims

According to insurance giant State Farm and data from the Insurance Information Institute, dog bite claims are rapidly rising, climbing 18% in 2016 to reach over $121 million in claims. Children account for more than half of dog bite victims, including the massive total of 18,123 victims from last year alone. The St. Louis dog […]

Written by on June 8, 2017

Medical Malpractice Case Filed Against Clinic for Flesh Eating Bacteria Fatality

Medical malpractice cases can be difficult to prove. However, there are instances when enough evidence is present that the victims have the upper hand. One such case occurred recently, according to an article on the Legal Reader website. The case involved a forty-three-year-old man who suffered and died from a flesh eating bacteria. It took […]

Written by on June 6, 2017

Woman Dies in Multi-Vehicle Accident in North St. Louis

Multi-car accidents are certainly not uncommon in St. Louis and, unfortunately, they take place quite frequently. A recent multi-car crash was reported in North St. Louis that resulted in the death of a forty-year-old woman. According to an article on the KMOV website, a 2007 Dodge Charger was traveling east on I70. The vehicle had […]

Written by on June 1, 2017

Hoffman and Gelfman: Your St. Louis Personal Injury Attorneys

Just last month, a boiler at the Loy-Lange Box Company in the Soulard neighborhood exploded with such force, it traveled several blocks before landing on another business, leaving the St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyers at Hoffman & Gelfman to speculate regarding potential maintenance issues and how they may have contributed to the explosion. Three Killed, […]

Written by on May 25, 2017

Tractor Trailer Crashes into St. Louis Building

A tractor trailer can do so much damage when it’s out of control. Recently, a semi-truck crashed into a building in St. Louis, according to an article on the KSDK website. The accident took place at the Soulard building in St. Louis, just after one o’clock in the morning. Witnesses stated that the truck went […]

Written by on May 23, 2017

Pedestrian Killed in St Louis Pedestrian Accident

On April 13th, a pedestrian was fatally struck in a hit-and-run accident in north St. Louis. Your St. Louis Pedestrian Accident Attorneys, Hoffman & Gelfman, want to keep you aware of such dangers. The Deadly IncidentOccurring at the 3500 block of Goodfellow Boulevard around 11:48pm, the incident left 60-year-old Harlan Cooks, who resided in the […]

Written by on May 16, 2017

Fatal Multi-Car Crash Outside St. Louis Claims One Life

Multi-car accidents can be extremely scary, and we see them all the time in the St. Louis area. One recent crash occurred on I-270 in Maryland Heights, Missouri. According to an article on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website, the driver of a pickup truck caused the six-vehicle accident. The pickup truck struck an SUV on […]

Written by on May 11, 2017

Dog Attack Seriously Injures Two-Year-Old Girl

Dog attacks can happen anywhere, and a dog doesn’t necessarily have to be vicious in order to strike. A recent attack occurred within a family, by the family dog, and it involved a young, two-year-old girl and her mother. The dog that was involved was a five-year-old Rottweiler. The mother, her daughter and the dog […]

Written by on May 9, 2017

Paralyzed Woman Wins $14.9 million in Medical Malpractice Case

Medical malpractice cases are rarely “slam dunks,” but one woman recently won close to $15 million. The case is labeled the second-largest medical malpractice case in state history. The woman’s injuries occurred when she was given an epidural injection in her spine at a same day surgical center. The drug in the injection is named […]

Written by on April 20, 2017

Dog Bites are Increasing in St. Louis for Mail Carriers

It seems like an old cliche; the dog biting the mailman. However, it’s actually anything but. The number of dog bites for United States postal employees has been increasing over the last several years. According to an article on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website, this increase could partially be due to the fact that online […]

Written by on April 18, 2017